Walk with Life, Not Through Life
Updated: Sep 8, 2021
Walk with Life as a participant, a beneficiary and as a contributor.
Walk with Life and become fully aware that you are part of this marvelous existence.
If you are encountering challenges, ask yourself…
How have I contributed to these problems I am witnessing?
How might I contribute to the resolution of these problems?
What skills, insights, illuminations might I discover about myself that I can begin to initiate the changes we need now so that they will become a reality?
Walk with Life. You are already a participant.
Walk with Life. You are already a beneficiary.
Walk with Life. You are already a contributor.
Walk with Life so that you do no harm.
Walk with Life so that you make things better.
Walk with Life.
Lead by example.
Soon, all too soon, you will no longer be able to Walk with Life.
Do so now, while you can, while you are able.
You have come to this Life to contribute.
Begin joyfully!